blowing maggie fuses on Mingus.

I have 3.6's connected to Bryston 7B's. I blow the tweeter fuses about once every few weeks. Admittedly, it's getting loud when they blow, but not crazy loud (not to me, anyway).

It always happened with rock, but the other day it blew in the second half of Mingus' "Betta git it in yo soul."

I wonder....

will a better amp (Rowland 201's perhaps) give me another db or two?

should I use some form of tweeter attenuation?

would the Cardas Maggie kit make any difference?

do I have to scrap my beloved Maggies and go back to boxes to go louder? I hope not. I haven't heard anything in the price range of the 3.6's that I like nearly so well, and I'm not excited about going to, say, Revel Salons, pricewise.

Any advice or thoughts would be mightily appreciated.

Warren: The 7 is a "funny" amp. Take a look at the power ratings if you doubt this.

Other than that, i've commented on the inability of Bryston's to deal with low impedance loads in the past. When comparing the 7 to other amps of lesser power, Stereophile went out of their way to let us know that the 7 was not capable of driving low impedance loads with any type of authority. Not only did the sound deteriorate, but the amps went into clipping sooner than the others. This is true even with amps that were rated for measurably less power. For sake of clarity, i had posted such thoughts on Audio Asylum long before the review of the 7 was printed. That article only helped to confirm my suspicions and experience.

El: By using a powered sub, the bottom end is filled out and the sound becomes much more authorative at lower volumes. As such, one can typically reduce spl levels slightly by achieving greater extension and fuller output with less drive applied to the mains. If you've got tone controls, turning your bass way down and listening to the music will alter your perception of spl to a great degree. This is true even though the upper bass / lower midrange on up go relatively unaffected.

I think that the point that Cytocyle was trying to make was that if the mains are actively crossed over to reduce bass demands, power levels are also reduced. This lowers the potential for clipping i.e. excess midrange and tweeter energy. While it might be hard to believe that such a big amp is clipping, you might be surprised at how different designs respond under duress to various reactive loads. Sean
I'm not sure about your amp, but I had similar problems with Maggie 3.5s and used several diffent amps from ARC to Bryston to Biamped Acoustat TNT 200s and finally a Levinson 336. The speakers went back to Magnepan several times for not only would the fuses go but so would the tweeter......
The spls were well in the tolerence of the speaker acording to my guage and I did try the subwoofer system and an ARC electronic crossover. Nothing helped.
Magnepans only recommendation (as per Jim Winey's son,Steve, who tried to be helpful) was to buy another pair of 3.6s to play while the orginals went back and forth for service. I finally fixed them one last time and sold the things. The speakers do sound fantastic for the money but in my opinion must be flawed. Maybe some units are defective in some undetactable (at least by Magnepan way), otherwise there would not be all these happy Maggie customers.
I owned the original MG-3s since they first were marketed with most of the same equipment and the same room, and only lost 1 tweeter in 14 odd years. The 3.6s sounded much better but were not reliable in my experience.