Good value upgrade from PSB STRATUS GOLDS to ?

The upgrade bug is beginning to Bite. Can anyone suggest a good value replacement for the stratus golds. I listen to mostly to smooth jazz and classic rock. My listening room is fairly large at 27 by 18 feet with a vaulted ceiling. I would hope to retain my existing components. Bryston 4bst, Rogue 66 Magnum preamp, Msb dac with p1000 PS, etc. Would appreciate anyones thoughts.

I appreciate everyone's response.

Would someone care to comment on any of the following..

1: The difference between the Legacy Focus, and the Focus 20 20? It seems that the Focus 20 20 goes for quite a bit more $$.

2: What difference is there between the Dunlavy SC-IV and the SC-IVA; and what are the diminsions of these cabinets?

3: Which of these would you consider the better upgrade value, and why? (Dunlavy SC-IV or the Legacy Focus)
It'll be interested to see the comparison among these 3.
SC-4 now can be found around $2500, very good value. However they are heavy, ~185lbs/each and tall, 70in.

Alan, one thing I'm sure is that no matter which one of the three you pick, your amp can not drive them to the full potential. Happy hunting !
You mentioned that you had upgraded from the PSB golds to the Dunlavy SC-4. Did you find the SC4'S noticably less efficient than the golds? Also could I ask what you are currently using to power your SC4S?
Not efficiency issue. On the contrary, SC-4 is more efficient than Gold. What I meaned is you need a decent amp to realize how good they are. My amp is Aleph 2, the best ss amp to my limited knowledge.
Timo, or anyone who would care to share their purchase experience,

You mentioned that you purchased your Focus 20/20 s at $5200. This is more that I intended to spend, and was hoping to possibly locate used. Did you negotiate this $5200 price from via mail order or from a local dealer. I live in St. Louis, Mo. and Legacy does not have a dealer here to audition or to purchase. Currently there are not any listed for sale in my area as well. Also what are your thoughts on using my current Bryston 4bst amp and Rogue preamp with the Focus'...Thanks