ZHorns or Hornshoppes?

Hi All.

I am ordering a Decware SE34 tomorrow and I have narrowed my speaker choice to the above--any thoughts? Has anyone been able to compare the sound and/or build quality and/or appearance of these 2 speakers? Or does anyone have a better choice?

Thanks for any and all thoughts,
Mike in VA
The Decware forum is THE place to find an answer to this question.


I am not currently a Decware owner, but I know several people who are. They "hang out" at the Decware forum and could likely provide feedback. BTW, there are lots of Hornshoppe owners there.

I have heard numerous Decware amps and if I were in the market, I would get the cheaper Zen Select and a pair of Dave Dutill's Parker Audio 95 mkII's. The 95's were built SPECIFICALLY to get the most out of the Zen amp.


I have heard lots of different speakers with the Zen and Dave's are some of the best. They are $650 with a money back return plan. You can't go wrong. They work well with the 1.8watts AND Dave will give you a refund if you don't like them. BTW, they have MUCH BETTER bass than the small horns that I have heard.

Check 'em out. Tell Dave I said "Hey"!!!



(Tom In Cincinnati)
my good man........go to the following site www.omegaloudspeakers.com.........very nice sounding and louis is a great guy...
Check out Audioasylum, Harmonicdiscord and Audiocircle. They have more info on these speakers. There is also a comparo between the Cicada and the Horn on TNT somewhere. Just do a search. Sorry, I never used any of these speakers tho but did read up on them as I was contemplating on getting one of these speakers.
Hi there.
I can't help you with a comparison but I have owned a pair of hornshoppe speakers for over a year and I consider them to be the best of the entry level single driver offerings that I have heard. The Zhorn looks great, and I have been meaning to check out the Omega speakers as they also fall into this price category.

If you can find a demo deal on Loth-X speakers you may like them. I own a set of Lothex Auras and they are pretty wonderful, but they are pricier. Cain and Cain make a beautiful entry level speaker (The Abby) but I have not been greatly impressed with the sound, and at over $1500 for the pair you are better off with the Zhorns or hornshoppes.

If you're going for a bigger budget you should consider the Totem Hawk transmission line speakers. Also there is a line recently imported from finland,Amphion, which is really intriguing. It utilizes a broadband driver with a built in sub and super tweeter and has the reviewers going nuts. They have several models and you can do a search at audiogon and find at least one dealer. I have yet to hear a single driver speaker which is really satisfying on the bottom end and many lack the ultra highs as well. It seems to be a trade off: From single driver designs you can get a smoothness and warm midrange and unbelievable depth of field and imaging. But the ultra highs and lows remain problematic. Hope this is helpful
