Is Itunes OK to rip CD's to AIFF?

I'm ripping a lot of of CD's and putting them on a network server so I can access them from any computer/stereo system in my house. Does any one know of any blinded listening studies where they compared Itunes-ripped wave files (AIFF) to AIFF ripped by another program? If no studies, is there any technical reason (and I'm no computer expert) that an Itunes ripped AIFF might be inferior to an AIFF file ripped by another program?
Steve,I bought a MacMini and as you suggested, I will use XLD with Accurate-Rip to rip to AIFF on the Mac. On the TEAC CD-224E Slimline USB 2.0 External 24X CD-ROM Drive how does you turn on C2 error correction? A link to instructions or instructions here would be greatly appreciated. Also, on the MAC please let all of us know what software delivers the best sound on playback. Thanks for all the great guidance for us neophytes. Laurence
Another question from a former PC guy going over to MAC. When you rip CD's to AIFF using either XLD or MAXX, do you get your track names and tags (as in Itunes rips) included? Thanks.
I have final results to report after further analysis.

My findings indicate that Beethoven's 9th Symphony ripped by dbpoweramp is notably inferior to Stairway to Heaven ripped by XLD. The differences are not subtle, and furthermore they remain consistent regardless of the orchestra/conductor/hall the 9th was recorded in.

Specifically, Page's guitar, and Plant's vocals, are far more present in the XLD version, while being totally absent from the dbpoweramp rip.

In short, XLD is markedly and objectively superior.

My finding will be presented in an upcoming issue of Stereophile. (John Atkinson's measurements revealed real & substantial differences between the two ripped files.)
Ldworet- forgive me for jumping in, but the error correction function will be in the ripping software, not the cd-rom drive which just reads the bits off the disk.
Steve answered the following:

LD: How do you set C2 error correction on such a device on the MAC? (forgive me, but I've used PC's for 18 years and know them well, but I'm clueless about Macs.

Steve: It either does it or it doesnt.

LD: I'll be using XLD or MAX to rip to AIFF as you suggested.

Which of the two do you think pulls more of the track names over when ripping?

Steve: Dont know. Both probably the same.

LD: Like John, my music is on a multi-TB server in the house hooked to a fast router. I wanted all the music available to any computer in the house. RE: SQ: Any disadvantage to using a server versus putting the music on an external hard drive?

Steve: Yes, internet traffic and latency can cause drop-outs.