Speaker recommendations / live concert recordings

I have decided to look for speakers in the $900-$1100 price range. I have an old Akai receiver and an equally old Magnavox cd player, both of which will be upgraded soon after i purchase speakers.
I am looking for some advice on what to look for in speakers to listen to live rock/jazz concert recordings on. Most of the recordings i listen to are done with 2 (sometimes 4) microphones, a mic preamp, a/d converter, and a DAT deck. All components used are usually of the highest quality. The location of the microphones can be anywhere from on the stage lip to 100 feet from the stage. The performances are usually played in large venues such as the Spectrum in Philadelphia, small bars, and anything in between. Please look at this page to get a better idea of the types of recordings i listen to:


i want to reproduce the sound in the venue as it's heard when you're there as accurately as possible, however, some of the recordings have a lot of low end and can be quite "boomy." I will want to have the ability to remove some of this while listening. what would be the best way to do this? would the bass response knob on the preamp be enough, or would an EQ do a better job?
thanks in advance for you opinions.
Don't listen to Nick, every time he leaves my house I shake my head. I'm not a panel guy, plain & simple. Box speakers have the slam he can't experience unless he comes to my house. If you want the real thing you need slam. We both used to tape alot & have sold some gear to invest in our home systems. Trust me once you start listening to live tapes through a really good system you'll be surprised to find some of those "boomy" tapes are killer. If you have the room for big speakers I would say Vandersteen 2c's will work, I never got them to work in my room due to placement issues but they can sound sweet & they are under $1,000 used. I had a pair of Meadowlark hot rod Kestrals & they weren't exactly suited to our music so I sold them. Now I have a pair of Tyler Reference monitors with matching sub that can rock with the best of them. Most of the time when you ask people on this forum for rock speakers they will mention JBL's & the like but we don't listen to typical rock music so I would recommend staying away from some of those speakers mentioned.
Find a really nice sounding speaker that can reproduce decent bass & improve the rest of your system around them. It will be the best thing you ever did for your music enjoyment, trust me.
PS- you need some WSP on your list ;)
If you want good slam with a fairly cheap speaker see if you can find a pair of Sony SS M9's. There US designed and made, and the Sony label will let you buy them cheap. They cost around $6000 but I've seen 'em for as little as $1000, and they will rock, or jazz, or whatever you want 'em to do.

...an' dats da name a dat tune!
ohhh... maggies, ML, sony, thiel, vandies, klipsch, Tyler Reference... ahhh!
what's going on? you guys were all suposed to recommend the same speaker, not give a million options!
i would like to find something that will make me relatively happy without a sub, though. That would be nice.

Fishwater, have you ever tried a tube preamp while listening to AUD tapes (cds)? what do you think about that? I wouldn't mind trying that with a solid state amp.
also, another AUD question. do you have tone controls in your system? if so, do you ever use them? i just keep thinking that i will want to use them a lot, and if i dont have any i'll be sorry. i listen to alot of shows on crappy systems in my car, at my girlfriends house, and at home. i have to play with the bass & trebble whenever i put a new show in. i just don't know if it will be necessary with my new speakers and with the decent pre and power amps i plan on getting (~$1200 on used amps). any input?
and yes, i sure do need some wsp. let me know if anything i have looks interesting and maybe we can set up a trade!
I had a tube pre amp for a year or so with my set-up. I have recently moved away from one due to a deal gone bad & I am actually enjoying the fact that I don't have tubes in my system. As far as tone controls are concerned, skip them & tune your system to sound good at your home. There have been a few threads around here on tone controls, do a search. I prefer the purist signal path but would not be opposed to some tone control if there was a piece of gear that sounded really good to me on it's own.
Nick & I are very good friends but we have different opinions on speakers, you have to listen to a bunch of speakers to have an idea of what your looking for. I was against monitors until I heard a REALLY good pair, now I have a set. Go out & listen, bring your own tunes & crank it! There is plenty of ways to reproduce the live sound in your living room, you just have to find it! Now the fun begins.
PS- If you want some WSP & can download semi-high speed drop me an e-mail for a log-in