Is there a problem at Revel?

Apparently, dealers are telling customers that Revel is no longer shipping speakers and some dealers are dropping the line. Is there really a problem at Revel?
I can buy the story that Harmon is re-vamping the line up and what not, especially if they intend to make their various product lines more reliable.

What does marketing and next-generation attributes have to do with making customers wait several months for repairs??? If this is the case Harmon's priorities are not servicing their current customers, and in business, those customers run (not walk) to your competition. You've lost your customer because you committed the cardinal sin: you took him/her for granted. I'm glad I don't own any products now under the Harmon moniker, I sure wouldn't want to wait months for something faulty to be repaired and returned to me.
Done some homework boys. The new Performa 32s are targeted to cost $4500 and the M22s, $2200. They (the M20s) are, visually, quite boring. Hum drum. I think the M20s are much cooler looking. Sound? Not a clue. The Performa 32s, on the other hand, look, more substantial, but again, boring on the visual side. I also thought the 30s were more interesting looking. But hey, I have the Sistrum Mini Monitor Speaker Platform System, so you know where my aesthetic eye leans. We'll soon hear (literally) what this is all about. peace, warren
Music Lovers in Berkeley, CA (510-558-1000) confirmed they can't sell any revel products other than demo. products, which they are discounting heavily. Revel has stopped shipping speakers and Music Lovers doesn't know when Revel will start shipping again.
I also want to add to the above post. Another problem Revel encountered was using only one wood supplier, which ultimately caused a backlog, especially one finish (can't remember which). Thus, supply could not meet demand and this obviously has repercussions. For this reason and the fact that the current models are being replaced may cause the "no-shipping" mode currently at Revel.