Proac 2.5 or 3.8?

I have fallen under their spell. I have be moved my system into a much larger room so my current monitors don't fill the room with music like I want. (room size 29' x 18' with 13 ft vaulted ceilings) I use a BAT integrated 150 watt SS, with tube preamp. Question which would work better in my room 2.5 or 3.8? Would the 2.5 be big enough or would the 3.8's be too big for this room? I listen mostly at moderate levels.

Thanks, Bob
I've owned ProAc 2s, 3.5s, and 3.8s. I have used all these ProAc models in my 28X15X8 room with the 3.8 as being the best sounding. I would go with the 3.8. The 3.8s should sound very good in you room.
My room interesting enough is 26'x17' with 12' vaulted ceiling. My speakers are Proac 2.5's. You mentioned that you are listening at moderate levels, keep in mind as far as I know these are near field speakers where as to get the full benefit of these you are sitting 6 to 8 feet away, if you will be sitting this far away I think the 2.5's will be fine, but if you want to fill the room out a little more when you are not in the sweet spot, I would consider the 3.8's. I liked the size of the 2.5's & thought the 3.8's size might start to dominate the room because of the way that we have it furnished.
Thanks for everyone that replied. I sounds like both would work but the 3.8's would do a better job filling the room. I will seek out the 3.8's.