looking for amp recommendations for aerial 10t. using marsh a400s now with adcom gfp-750 and marantz sa-1 cd. jazz virtually 100%. considering roque audio 88 or m-150. also are magnums worth xtra $s. maybe marsh is o.k.? any help is appreciated. thanks.
I agree with Meisterkleef about the Classe Amplifiers and the Aerial 10Ts . I bought my 10Ts in 1997 and at that time I chose Audio Research Tube amps ( Ref1 pre amp and VT 200 amp) I like the sound of the combination. It just depends on how much you like that 'warm' tube sound. Solid State is less maintenance. However I have not noticed a diminished bass response when using my VT200 amplifier as claimed by some audiophiles. A good mix would be to go with a tube pre-amp and a solid state amp.
You may want to try a Theta Dreadnaught. I use a 5-channel Dreadnaught to drive my LR-5's, CC-5 center and my SR3's in the rear. There's lots of power there (200watts per ch) and this amp is very transparent.
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