Weird Question on Murray Pariah SACD Confusion

I am a little confused after a trip to Tower Records in Tokyo last week.

In their SACD live with headphones display, one of the SACDs playing was Murray Pariah Bach -- I thought piano concertos -- but I don't recall exactly.

I liked the sound of the disc, but decided not to purchase it as it was about $45.00 in yen, thinking it would be cheaper and easy to find in New York. However, on trips to two different stores I can't seem to spot the disc anywhere.

The weird and confusing thing is that the artwork and layout for the disc in Japan was exactly the same style as the artwork and layout and typeface for a Murray Pariah GOLDBERG SACD that I can easily find in New York.

The only thing that looks like Bach piano concertos, however, had a RED cover that did not look familiar to me.

I assumed the SACD catalogue was pretty small and distributed globally, but is it possible that only the artwork would change for a disc released in Japan? Could the red jacketed disc I find in New York be the same recording as the SACD I saw in Tokyo?

In any case, the performance sounded pretty good -- maybe some of you have the recording in which case I would also love to hear your opinion of the music and recording quality.

There is a new Chopin Etudes SACD out which I also saw at Tower Records in Tokyo a few weeks ago. It should be available in New York. It has a similar typeface but the picture is different (though I can see a similar style, despite the difference in picture style (high contrast vs the GV's low light low contrast cover shot)).

A quick link on the web provides an interesting source. Try this link to see if that's what you're looking for...

Oops... to respond to your other questions... I have seen different cover art on the same Sony-released music between Japan and the US but do not, off the top of my head, remember any SACDs like that. Also, the "global SACD catalogue" is not at all global outside of Sony's releases and even then, I'm not sure all Sony SACDs are available in all markets. For the smaller labels, non-local market distribution is gray market or non-existent. An example would be the dozen-plus superb DSD recordings done by Japanese label Exton (which to my knowledge are not available in the US).
I believe you may be refering to Murray Perahia BACH Keyboard concertos #3,5,6,7. The lable is red with a picture of Murray doing what appears to be looking into an opened grand piano.

I find the RED one easily.

What I can't find is the Bach Piano Concertos that has the GOLDBERG style cover. That is what I saw, heard and liked in Tokyo.

Still confused. Maybe the red one in the US is the same recording as the one with the different cover.