Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?

Listen mostly classical piano and Medieval music. No amp yet. Room is 16x25 (lively). Thanks!
Actually frogman: There are sounds that are easy to reproduce and ones that arent. Complex full spectral sounds are more difficult to reproduce than sounds with a narrow bandwidth any sound engineer will tell you that.

Here is a good starting link:
Congratulations Ritteri, you get the last word. I stand by my comments.

Happy listening and all the best.
Nothing to do with the "last word", it has to do whats real fact. Its like saying a kazoo is as easy to build as a tenor saxaphone. Same basic principal.
Ritteri, now you go maligning a fine instrument with a rich history. Don't you know that this instrument is based on the African "mirliton"? A sacred instrument used to disguise one's voice.

Eric Clapton, Simon&Garfunkel, Peter, Paul and Mary, are just some of the artists who have used this wonderful instrument in their recordings. Oh, and let's not forget the all-girl Kazoo bands.