Ideal Preamp for McCormack DNA225/Paradigm 100 V.2

I am in the process of buying a McCormack DNA-225 power amp to use with my Adcom GFP-750 preamp and Paradigm Reference Studio/100 version 2 loudspeakers.This preamp worries me.I use the active mode and it sounds slightly edgy and aggressive.Would you recommend keep using the Adcom GFP-750 preamp with the McCormack/Paradigm combo, or would you recommend another preamp in the same price range [used] such as the Parasound PLD 2000,Musical Fidelity, McCormack RLD-1,etc.,etc.?
Give us some idea of how much you want to spend, new or used, remote or no, etc.
Definitely consider one of 2 options:

(1) a good passive pre (McCormack's were made for this)
(2) a tubed pre (high input impediance on these amps makes this a good match)

There's a tradeoff either way though:

Passive's, as a rule, don't have the dynamics that an active pre brings to the party. So if you're into chamber music or soft jazz, OK. If you're a rocker or into big scale classical, then not so good.

It's very hard to find any active preamp that is as transparent as a passive (for somewhat reasonable $$$). So if you go with the passive first you might have to spend a good amount of money to find an active preamp that sounds as pure as ANY passive.

Enjoy the search,