Best speaker value

I'm running two Classe DR-3 amps in bridge mode with a Musical Fidelity CD-Pre24. I'm looking for the best used speaker value in 1800.00 dollar price range. I listen to all gener's of music and at moderate to loud sound levels. Room is of medium size and not dedicated. Of paticular importance if female vocal. All help most appreciated. Cheers Gary
I used to use Maggies; now I've moved up to Eminent Technology LFT-8a's. Rich, powerful, controlled, detailed, you name it. Bruce Thigpen, the maker, is wonderful! $1,700/pr. I suggest strongly you biamp them for max listening pleasure.
Used Alon Model IV speakers. At thier performance level and price for used, nothing is remotely close to the sonic excellence of these speakers. Just love Class A power and those DR 3 will really bring the Alons to life in a special way. Powering my Alons with Class A mono blocks.
Second the Vandersteen 3A Sig, although used is closer to $2300+. Green Mountain Audio products in this range appear to be very nice too.