Has anyone heard Ohm Acoustics 300 MK-2

I can't find any current reviews. Years past they were reviewed very favorable. That is when they were sold in HI-End shops. They were revered for there large sound stage, coherent sound and there awesome base. How do they compare now to others in this price range. $5,000 pr. They are sold only factory direct now. Would appreciate some impute.
I tried a pair of them. Powerful, coherent bass. Not the tightest bass on the planet though but POWERFUL. Great coherence between bass and midrange. Huge soundstage and wide sweet-spot. The model I had came with the metal-dome tweeter. Hated that tweeter.

I also was testing the Newform Ribbons at the same time. I would fire up all the speakers and leave the house for a day or two at a time so they could break in.

The Newform's bass power was no equal for the Ohms; the Newform needed a powered sub. Nevertheless, after a couple of weeks of break-in the Newform started pulling away from the Ohm in terms of PRaT, Clarity, Imaging,Detailing and all those other good things. Plus people always thought that they were some sort of woodstove, which led to many conversations.

Thanks for the info, I have two questions if you don't mind, what size room and size of amp. did you use to listen to the Ohm speakers. I now have the Ohm 4XO, "16 years old" they have strong base but too forward in the mid-range. I was told that this is no longer the case.


The upstairs room I had them in is about 14' wide and 25' long with suspended hardwood floors, no rugs. Now I have them downstairs in the HT room which is 13' wide by 25' long, tile over concrete. I use a Parasound HCA-2200II to drive them. It is 225 watts @ 8ohms and 385 watts @ 4 ohms, peak current at about 60 amps output. It has enough power to drive them. I have tried them with the 100 watt mass produced amps just for laughs, doesn't work to well.

You can upgrade the 4XO, I tried a pair of those. I prefered the sound of the bigger Walsh 5 cabinet. I would really like to hear them in a room that was better acoustically. I know I am not getting the best out of these speakers.

Hope this helps.