REL Strata III with Paradigm Studio 40 V.2

I bought the REL this Saturday and since then trying to find the optimum crossover and level setting for the room and to blend it with the Paradigms.

I have concluded that a setting of cut off frequency of 28 Hz (Coarse on A and Fine on 5) is the maximum I can go to before muddiness creeps in. Seems this setting is "just under the main speakers". The current setting of the level on the REL is about 1 o'clock. I will continue to fine-tune it in the next days and maybe weeks to come to try to have as close to perfect match as possible.

The frequency response specified for the Paradigms is 59-22,000 Hz (+/- 2 dB) with low frequency extension down to 34 Hz (+/- 3 dB, in a typical room). The Paradigms are on a rigid metal stands with 6 inch center post filled with river sand and decoupled from the flooring by spikes. REL is positioned on the far left corner of the room 3 inches out from side/rear wall and its mode button on 4 (180 deg).

My room dimension would make an audiophile run like hell, W 13'-3" x L 13'x H 9'-6", but this is what was available for exclusively setting up my system.

The overall sound quality is very much listenable with good low frequency extension that was missing before the REL was put in.

Opinions and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm ... I borrowed a pair of Spendor S3/5 (the latest incarnation of the LS3/5) from a friend for a week, and, while I agree that the REL/S3/5 combination works well, my Spica Angelus speakers sounded much much better to my ears. I was really surprised as I had expected to be really impressed with the Spendors, but in imaging, low level detail and general "liveness" the spicas won easily.
Do the S35 sound worse that your spica's when it comes to vocals? Very curious to know!
Yes ... worse on everything. It may be my taste, or that I'm used to the sound of my spicas but my wife agreed that my big ugly speakers sounded a lot better than the cute little speakers (to her dismay .. she hates my speakers).
"Cute little speakers" compared to the " big ugly speakers" and that too by your better half, I must believe what you are saying as it must be true.

Recently I came across a review of the S35 which concluded that it was an excellent speaker. As you know it is not a cheap speaker hence I am really surprised at what you are saying. But this is not the first time that I have come across conflicting reviews. It has happend with me as well when I heard few components in my own system I found them to be ordinary or unbearable even though the press was raving about it.

I guess your point about personal preference is what we need to concentrate on to come to a conclusion when it comes to subjective analysis.

Sorry for being off topic here.
I am also really surprised that, given the reviews and excellent reputation of the S3/5 and given the somewhat mixed feelings that reviewers have towards the spicas, that the spicas should be so totally superior to the s3/5s (to my ears). I think that I beleive I made a valid judgement also because I went into the comparison absolutely convinced that the spendors would beat the spicas and that Sunday evening (when I had to give the Spendors back) would be a painful parting. Also as mentioned in looks and build quality the spendors won by a mile.

I also agree that its a subjective comparison. I did not use any test equipment, other than my ears. I'd be really interested to hear from anyone who prefers the ls3/5s to the spicas to hear why they do.

I have to say that the amazing breadth of soundstage and pinpoint imaging of the spicas was what really drew me to them. I know that imaging is not something that everyone is interested in, and if imaging is not so important then perhaps the spicas will not be for you. I'm quite sure that the spica's frequency response curve is less flat than the spendors ... perhaps this bothers some ears more than others. I'm also sure that the phase response of the spicas is much more linear than that of the spendors .... perhaps this is what my ears are hearing.

Also if you get a chance to hear some old spicas then go for it. You might prefer them also, but if you prefer the ls3/5s then I'd certainly appreciate your feedback as to why. Used tc-50s and Angelus often come up for about $350 ... IMHO it's well worth a punt at those prices and if you don't like them then selling them is easy.