Speaker Choices for Tube Amps

I am looking for speakers that work well with a tube amp say 50 wpc. What speakers do you recommend I audition? Coincident, Silverline, other. If you have have or heard the Coincident and Silverline speakers let me know what they sound like versus each other or other speakers you compared them to.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
Von Shweikerts should be added to your list as well. Also, you could try to find some used Kharma speakers.
Hey Bidkidz...
I would say, Meadowlarks...they are made for tubes...
I have a pair of Shearwaters...they are magnificent...
You've got to try them out, great imaging, soundstaging and full frequency speakers...
The newer versions are out and depending on your budget, I think a pair of Kestrel 2s will do fine for $1500
I'm currently using a pair of Coincident Triumph Signatures. I'm powering them with a pair of Dared 300B monoblocks (7wpc). Although this is pretty loud for most music, headbanging volume is out. When I'm listening to large orchestral music or any bass heavy music, I get clipping when I really crank it. I think 40 or 50 watts or tube amplification with the Coincidents will be a match made in heaven.