Aurum Cantus ....anyone heard them?

I've noticed some postings in other forums about these speakers.Especially the AURUM CANTUS LEISURE 2. From what I gather these speakers compete with the Red Rose Music RoseBud II. Has anyone auditioned or own these? If so whats your impressions? Also how many WPC needed to make them sing? I believe these retail for $900.00 but can be had for less.The RoseBud II(Levinson's company) is $3500.00 retail.Here's a link for those who haven't seen them.

Any an all feedback appreciated!
Aurum is making them for Red Rose also. However, I do believe that Levenson is rewiring them and putting in his own crossovers. The drivers and cabinets should be the same. You can find them for around $450. Maybe less if you want to cover shipping from hong kong? Don't expect a warranty.
Since drivers can be ordered online.I am really not concerned about the warranty.I think I read some where theses are upgraded thru a company here in the States as well.Parts quality looks pretty good as they are thou.
i heard the AC L2Ds at my stock form, they are underwhelming in sound but look fantastic...i believe an owner in colorado got a pair of L2SEs which had an improved crossover and an upgraded woofer yet was still not all that impressed with them so he sent them off to Rick Craig of Selah Audio to have the crossover reworked...after receiving them back, he found them to be much more to his liking...
Hello Fmtien....I had a fellow Agoner nice enough to email me with his impressions of the SE version as well.He likes them so much he's dumping his Nautilus 805s! Thanks for the info..I am looking at the SE upgraded version.I may go this route and see what happens.

Thanks again !