Question for Aerial 20T Owners

I am considering the purchase of Aerial 20-T's. One feature of this speaker that may be a real issue for me, however, is its use of a ribbon tweeter that has virtually no vertical dispersion above the top of the tweeter, the result being that persons who are standing evidently receive no high frequencies. While I would buy the speaker principally for my own critical listening in the "sweetspot", my wife and I do quite a bit of entertaining, and I would not want a speaker that sounds totally unnatural or otherwise odd due to a lack of treble to persons standing in the listening room (or even to persons sitting in the dining room, which is immediately adjacent to the listening room).

Both my listening room and all adjacent rooms have mostly hard surfaces and wooden floors, so sound does travel from room to room.

My question is thus to 20-T owners: how natural (or bad or weird) does the speaker sound to those who are standing or who are off axis? Very importantly, how does it sound in adjacent rooms? Is the effect similar to being off-axis for an electrostatic (sounds horrible) or a time-coherent design (still sounds good, but not nearly as good as it does in the sweetspot)? If for any reason you are not comfortable responding publicly via this thread, please e-mail me.

I would simply demo the 20-T's to find out for myself, but there is no display pair anywhere near me (São Paulo).

Thank you.
I have 20t's here now on audition. I'm going to buy them.

Running Levinson 390S direct into a pair of Levinson 33H.
Transparent reference balanced interconnects, Acoustic Zen
Hologram II Biwire Speaker cable.

If you are looking for "boom and sizzle" these aren't for you. A natural and relaxed presentation with speed and great dynamics. The tweeters are the best I've heard.

Not a speaker that wows you at first, however after extended listening with familiar music.......then come the wows.

I've been through planars from big Maggies thrue Infinity IRS Beta to large arrays such as the B&W Matrix 800. The 20t's so far are the most well balanced speaker I've had here yet. I'm also finding them music friendly, CD's I haven't played in awhile are back in rotation.

I'm satisfied!


Paul :-)
Hi an Infinity RS 1-B owner how does the bass on the Aerial 20 compare to your Beta's? In addition, had you given the Wilson Watt Puppy 7 a look and listen? I'd appreciate you commenst and others on this subject.

Hey, why not add on to those above the Von Schweikert..7's or the Joseph Pearls??

Hello RWD:

LOL the pic of your system brings back memories.....good ones. I owned 4 pairs of RS1x over the years....on and off I'd go back and buy another pair, and sell 'em then buy another. :-)

Problem with me an Wilson is I like bang for the buck. Yeah, I know....the 20t's list higher than the Watt/Pup7.....however.......when you buy Aerials you are buying Mike Kelly the guy who makes 'em. If theres ever a person that's friendly, helpful and a true craftsman it's Kelly of Aerial.

Comparing the bass to the 4 box RS1x or Beta system is fruitless........there's this electronic control box ya know. Depending on your taste and amp with the Infinity just give the knowb a tweak and voila! Plenty of bass.
A handy knob for sure, but what is real?

One of my bass favorite CD's is the soundtrack to Patriot Games. Try track 7 for a woofer test. Aerials pass with flying colors. Also a great CD for imaging.


Paul :-)