Duettas are very forgiving when it comes to placement. That is, compared to other Apogees. I had mine all over the place without noticing major sound shifts. With my Scintillas, that is another matter entirely. The position you have them now is really a good one. It's easy to experiment. I would follow Sogood's advice and move them out to four feet just to see. Your amp is perfectly adequate.
I am using one small digital Acoustic Reality eAR for my Scintillas. This amp does it all. I have a better bass than even a Krell can muster, mids the equal of the best tube amps, and highs are sweet. Detail is way beyond all conventional amps, and the leading edge is instantaneous.
Unfortunately, there is no state side support available.
I am using one small digital Acoustic Reality eAR for my Scintillas. This amp does it all. I have a better bass than even a Krell can muster, mids the equal of the best tube amps, and highs are sweet. Detail is way beyond all conventional amps, and the leading edge is instantaneous.
Unfortunately, there is no state side support available.