Apogee Duetta Signature: Optimum placement

I am setting up the Duetta Sigs in a room 16' x 15' with an 8' ceiling. I have them on the 15' wall 20" from the side walls and 36" from the rear. The distance between the left & right m/t ribbon sections are 7'. The tip back is 2.5" or 2.5 degrees. The toe in is 1/2". Listening position is 9'. What changes do I need to make to this basic configuration to acheive the best sound? I am using an ASR amp which provides 290 watts at @ 4 ohms & 520 @ 2 ohms. The speakers have a single run of speaker wire and jumpered on the back terminals. I have, but not installed the crossover upgrade kit (came with the speakers) for the caps, resistors & inductors. How much difference does the upgrade make? Is it worth the hassel of taking apart the speakers to install it??
Khrys, only you would read "stupid" into my intentions. All I am saying is the Duetta's embracing sound is far easier to coax than the Stage, or Scintilla, having owned both. It is common knowledge among Apogee lovers the Scintilla and Stage are a lot more mischievous.

I was a Stage owner before I heard my first Duetta. Both DSig speakers were against the wall, one elevated six feet. They had bee crammed into a bedroom. Immediately, despite the negative placement, I could sense the warm, friendly DSig personality.

I got them home, set them up to something similar as Darrel's room configuration, and enjoyed the music. I tried different set ups, to no advantage. That is my experience.

Note that Darrell has asked advice to maximize his Duetta's performance. He seems open to all advice. Since I am a component wonk, I naturally will suggest a change in amp. To answer Darrell's other questions, I am not a fan of dissembowling the Apogee. I would not buy an Apogee that has been modded. I know a person who worked for Apogee for fourteen years that agrees with me. Wires should be of 12 gauge ore higher. Following Bloom's advice, I always bicable my Apogees when I can.

My room is symmetrical. Speaker placement will be complicated in an asymmetrical room. Experimentation is the only recourse.

That is my humble opinion (based on experience).
Thanks for the tips! I moved them out from the front wall to the recommended 48". This seemed to help the bass and if I'm correct, seemed to deepen the sound stage quite a bit! The upgrade kit contains some big mama inductors 2" x 4-7/8", 2 x 3-3/4", and 2 x 2-1/2". If anyone has done this mod, will all of these fit inside along with the 14 Auri caps?????

If I build something external, I don't want it to look to micky mouse.

Also, RlXl;
Please tell me more about the speaker cones as I think the factory legs just kinda float on top of my carpeting. Where did you get them? Pictures of your speakers with the cones would be great!

The suggestion of bi-wiring is something I definately will try!

My advice in regards to the X-over upgrade assumed that Darrell is a new owner of these speakers. This is why I said it would be best to get to know the speakers first. If for some reason he would not keep the speakers..no great loss on resale. The only pair of Duetta Signatures that have been for sale for a very long time here on Audiogon are the pair with the X-over upgrade.

If his plan is to keep them for a long time, then by all means upgrade and don't worry about resale value. I know that when I was in the market for mine I only wanted mint/stock model.

My Duetta Sigs had been owned by two others before me, and have traveled through two hands since. I think most Apogee buyers will gravitate towards stock models, unless they know the history of the mod. While owning the Duettas, I tirelessly watched for any Scintilla sale. To me, the Scintilla is the ultimate upgrade.
Muralman, what frosts you most?: that most Apogee owners ditched them or that the company went out of business?(you think these events might be related?). If, as you insist, that Scintillas amplified by the new Euro-norm class D amps represent the state of the art then surely their resurrection is imminent. With breath barely bated more than yours, I await that anachronistic travesty with earnest.