Hi all again - I'll be heading out for the weekend so this is my last post for now:
re: Sean - I started a new thread on DBX expanders so as not to drag this one OT with that stuff.
re: Audiokinesis - What you say about mic location is very true, and it has a huge impact on the success of a recording as far as I'm concerned - but that's a whole other topic, too.
The anechoic chamber or overdamped room probably sounds dull because of some or all of these reasons:
-It's not what we're used to.
-You can actually hear how IMPERFECT even a great recording played back on high quality equipment really is compared to the original!
-Room generated Reverb is fun.
-We expect it to be dull - the placebo effect.
-In a properly set-up room we are actually relying on/using wall interactions to cancel out the fact that your right ear is hearing the left channel output, and your left ear is hearing the Right channel, etc. - which dramatically reduces the stereo effect. (It might be interesting to hear a perfectly set up Carver Sonic Holography unit in anechoic chamber. Don't worry, I wouldn't use one at home.)
So, yes, I do hold that all interactions are colorations of what was recorded. But indeed we all may want those colorations because they sound better than not having them by bringing back some of that "liveliness" which was lost in the reproduction process.
re: Holzhauer - I don't have anything at all against omni-directional speakers if that is what somebody likes. My only "objection" when I started posting here was really the quasi-science which is so profusely expounded by the speaker builders/marketers and then absorbed as fact by audiophiles.
I have owned 3 pairs of Ohm/Walsh (with and without the dampening material inside the can) and have had friends with planars (quad/maggie/X-static/ML), which I enjoy but wouldn't want for myself.
As came up in Audiokinesis post - I suppose we do need and enjoy some amount of room interaction, but anyway I look at it - the more interaction the more "distortion" from the original. My experience (for my particular taste) is that the amount thrown off by an omni- is too much, in too many ways, to control properly so that I get the sound that I enjoy, which is very precise imaging with very minimal coloration. I'm going nuts right now just trying to tame the rear wave from a pair of Alon V's to direct and reduce the rear wall bounce.
I haven't heard Shahinians and am always open.
re: Sean - I started a new thread on DBX expanders so as not to drag this one OT with that stuff.
re: Audiokinesis - What you say about mic location is very true, and it has a huge impact on the success of a recording as far as I'm concerned - but that's a whole other topic, too.
The anechoic chamber or overdamped room probably sounds dull because of some or all of these reasons:
-It's not what we're used to.
-You can actually hear how IMPERFECT even a great recording played back on high quality equipment really is compared to the original!
-Room generated Reverb is fun.
-We expect it to be dull - the placebo effect.
-In a properly set-up room we are actually relying on/using wall interactions to cancel out the fact that your right ear is hearing the left channel output, and your left ear is hearing the Right channel, etc. - which dramatically reduces the stereo effect. (It might be interesting to hear a perfectly set up Carver Sonic Holography unit in anechoic chamber. Don't worry, I wouldn't use one at home.)
So, yes, I do hold that all interactions are colorations of what was recorded. But indeed we all may want those colorations because they sound better than not having them by bringing back some of that "liveliness" which was lost in the reproduction process.
re: Holzhauer - I don't have anything at all against omni-directional speakers if that is what somebody likes. My only "objection" when I started posting here was really the quasi-science which is so profusely expounded by the speaker builders/marketers and then absorbed as fact by audiophiles.
I have owned 3 pairs of Ohm/Walsh (with and without the dampening material inside the can) and have had friends with planars (quad/maggie/X-static/ML), which I enjoy but wouldn't want for myself.
As came up in Audiokinesis post - I suppose we do need and enjoy some amount of room interaction, but anyway I look at it - the more interaction the more "distortion" from the original. My experience (for my particular taste) is that the amount thrown off by an omni- is too much, in too many ways, to control properly so that I get the sound that I enjoy, which is very precise imaging with very minimal coloration. I'm going nuts right now just trying to tame the rear wave from a pair of Alon V's to direct and reduce the rear wall bounce.
I haven't heard Shahinians and am always open.