I too think most of the issues with the previous versions have been resolved with the 7s. I have never listened to the 5.1s, but I auditioned the 6s on several occasions. I was very impressed with the accuracy, bass reproduction, and dynamics of the 6s but could never warm up to them. Then came the 7s. They did everything the 6s did but better. They are a bit mellower on the top end without the loss of detail. I agree that they require careful system matching and may complement tube gear better than SS. I do not agree with the comment that they will not disappear. If properly positioned, you will be immersed in the sound and the 7s are gone. As a matter of fact, they disappear better than any speaker I listened to in their size and price range. As far as price goes, they are not cheap. However, I dont know why so much more emphasis is placed on the WPs price. Other speakers in their class are comparably priced, and some cost more. I dont think anyone that does his or her homework and shops around pays full retail anyway.
The 7s will enhance a great system and reproduce whats going on upstream. If you are looking for coloration, look elsewhere.
The 7s will enhance a great system and reproduce whats going on upstream. If you are looking for coloration, look elsewhere.