Is there a Music Player for this?

I'm looking for a quality music player without a built-in DAC or hard drive for the music files. So, a hard drive for just the operating system is fine. I want to store my music files on an external hard drive using either an eSATA or Firewire connection to the music server. And, I want to use either a coaxial, optical, BNC, or AES connection between my DAC and music server. I also need to use my iPad as the controller.
It was an indirect recommendation as the result of rave reviews from forum chatter, mentioned during Six Moons' review of the Synchro-Mesh.
Steve, do think that a player with a USB output like the antipodes would sound better running into the DAC via an Off Ramp or run directly into the USB input of the DAC through a good cable?

I'm very interested in the Antipodes and thought it sounded good with USB input to my DAC.
I'm using a Sound Science Music Vault Diamond player coupled to my Weiss Dac 202. I currently use the AES/EBU connection to the Dac but this unit will do Firewire or USB also. In my system, it beat the pants off the MacMini I previously used.
I have changed my mind on the configuration, and I will use my NAS for file storage/playback.

The Music Vault looks like a winner, however.
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