Hey Y'all,
I have 2 Strata IIIs and the effect is amazing. Check my virtual system here. I just listened to the flight of the valkyrie scene from "Apocalypse Now Redux" the other night. Specifically the end of the scene when the colonel wants to surf and he orders the napalm strike on the tree line off the beach front, it was window rattling. I was so in awe, I played it again just to make sure I heard it right. The Stratas have all the effects that have been mentioned above when it comes to music but I think many people sell the Stratas short when it comes to movies. As for the Strata subs not being good for big rooms, my room is a sunken living room that measures 22'x 13'x 9' and the back of the room is open through the foyer for another 12'. My Stratas have no problem at all providing more then enough bass response in both music and HT applications. Also, with 2 subs, you eliminate standing waves, dead spots and spikes in frequencies. Just my .02.......John