Speakers for under $10k used?

I been wanting a new set of speakers and want to stay under $10k used. If you have any recommandation, please reply to this tread. Also please state why you like the speaker you are recommending. I personally have looking into the Revel Salon, but I heard that the parent company Harmon isn't doing too well. Are the rumors true? Thank you for your time.

Get a pair of used Unos or Duos. Must have current CTRL 225 subs. You won't need Krells to run them. 5 watts of tube power will make your house and your neighbours' rock. They go really loud (102 db/Watt) are virtually indestructible and sound fantastic. That's why the smaller Unos get a Stereophile Class A rating. Make sure you set them up well - need help from friend to change bass roll off and volume on sub woofers.
Shahinian Diapasons- because they sound closer to real live music than any of the hundreds of speakers I have auditioned
You might also want to consider bringing down your budget on your speakers so that you could get components that are most suitable. The problem at that level is that more you spend, the more you will need to spend. In order to have no weak links in a system with 10k speakers, you would have to spend an additional 30k+ on the other components. Although speakers are important, all the components are critical. For example, my speakers are $$$$, but are actually the least expensive part of my system because I think the CD player is really critical. If you blow everything on the speakers, you may not have enough money to make them sound good for years to come. There are also other expenses that go a long way to making a system sound good, such as cables, power cords, stands, power conditioner, etc. An audiophiles work is never done.

I would go to some stores and listen to everything under 6-8k new to start with a list. You might even find a great speaker at 4-6k new. The question might not be, 'what do you have under 10k', but 'what speakers will excel at the aspects I appreciate most in music.' Then you can come back to audiogon to ask for opinions within that list.
Put the Vandersteen 5 on your list. They do everything well. You get flat frequency response down to 20 hz. Image great, and have placement flexibility due to a powered subwoofer with an 11 band equalizer. Good luck in getting it used though...
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