Thanks for all the info, guys!
I called Thiel today and spoke to some very nice people. They told me that if I send the EQ box back to them, Jim Thiel himself will test and repair it at no cost. They're also going to send me a copy of the original owner's manual, and they even offered to send me spikes if I didn't get them with the speakers. This made my day!
If anyone knows of any amp companies this helpful I will buy their stuff, but I doubt there are any with customer service this good.
All of the info that you guys provided above matches what Sherry (of Thiel) told me today, such as the amp needing to double down, the EQ box sucking up power, and needing quality cables.
I thought she said they needed 50-350 Watts, though, but I must not have heard correctly. Whatever she did say, (250 or 350) she added that they have used much more powerful amps with great results... so I guess 350W should work :)
Unsound, I'm assuming you have 3.5's? Can you offer any more advice on amps, such as what brands work well with them? I'm already going over my budget and was hoping to only spend about $500 on an amp (used), but if I absolutely have to spend more I guess I will.