Revel Studio or Revel Salon?

I been looking for a pair of great speaker and I read many great thing on the Studio and Salon. My question is that if the Salon is really that much better to justify the price different. I have also been looking at the Wilson's Watt/Puppies 6 or 7. How do they compare to the Revel.

The Revel sound is completely different from the Wilson. I prefer the sound of the watt/puppies over the Salons or Studios. Just depends on
your ears. To me, the big Revel speakers sound too big, like you're listening to an acoustic guitar the size of a referigerator, which doesn't sound natural to me. The Revels will also need tons of amplification to
get them to sound right whereas the watt/puppies are more efficient.
Bottom line: You need to hear both of them to see what sounds right to you.
If it is not a question of money, it's easy. Go with the Salon's. Buy 'em used here for less than $10K.
They are both great speakers. A lot depends on your room size and your system. I started with the Studios and traded up to the Salons. Both speakers are very accurate and like the best in equipment if possible, but you could still easily buy the speakers first and then improve your amps, front end, etc. and here the difference. There are people who are critical of these speakers, but when you get your system dialed in look out. I've never been able to compare the Watt/Puppies to the Revels as there are no dealers here, but from what I've read, the Wilsons might be more exciting out of the box and sound better at most dealers. The Revels (especially the Salons) are fussier in set up but more accurate, (they mirror your source and playback system.)But again, once you provide what they need I think you'll be happy.
If you provide more details about your system I could give you more info.