Revel Studio or Revel Salon?

I been looking for a pair of great speaker and I read many great thing on the Studio and Salon. My question is that if the Salon is really that much better to justify the price different. I have also been looking at the Wilson's Watt/Puppies 6 or 7. How do they compare to the Revel.

Unless you have a very large room, go with the Studio's. As far as Revel vs. Watt Puppy's, it is a matter of personnel preference, equipment, and tastes. I found the W/P 7's to suite my needs. To me, the Revel's were a bit lifeless.
Eliner, truth is.... the WP is not on it's 7th version. F155mph, my advice is to listen for yourself and determine what you prefer. Get what you are happy with. I would agree that Studio's for 6-7k would be a great bargain, if that's what you are looking for. Good Luck
I found that I prefered the Revel sound myself to the Wilson sound. I can't describe why, I think they just sounded "right". (But if you prefer the Wilson sound, go for it. If the money is an issue, consider the Wilson Sophia, as it is the competition to the Studio.)
I like my studios as they are very dynamic and accurate, image and soundstage great, and have very good bass. (Not as good as the Salon, though, as they go all the way down to 20 Hz.)
You need a very large room and a large amp to use the Salon, as they can sound boomy in a small room.

Now, if you are considering the W/P 7, I advise you to listen to the Avalon Eidolon as they cost about the same. This is the speaker to beat in its price range. You can find them used for around $12K, and they look gorgeous, as well as sound incredible. (They are very revealing, and require lots of power and great electronics.) If I could have afforded them, (and the electronics to match!), I would have bought them.

Good Luck in your search!
One word-----Dali Euphonia-----

Oops, that was 2 words. Sorry.

Hope I didn't confuse the issue.

Maybe I've never heard the Revel Salons set up right, but I have heard them with Levinson 33H monoblocks and a Levinson front end. They sounded like a real good PA system. Not very refined. And the cabinets and drivers weren't very impressive, either. They'd probably be great if they cost about $8,000. But at $19,000 -- or whatever they're up to now, you can get a lot better speaker. The Wilsons pretty much embarrass the Revels. IMHO.