I have several options through private owners near where I
live with the SL-3; the Ascent and an Aeon used and I just din't know what to look for to be sure that they are not
damaged in any way since I have no clue in these so called
"electrostatic" speakers. How do you tell the condition of
the diaphragms or the panels? By the way your inputs so far
have been very interesting and helpful and I thank you.
live with the SL-3; the Ascent and an Aeon used and I just din't know what to look for to be sure that they are not
damaged in any way since I have no clue in these so called
"electrostatic" speakers. How do you tell the condition of
the diaphragms or the panels? By the way your inputs so far
have been very interesting and helpful and I thank you.