Anyone own Eggleston Works Isabel?

Just curious if anyone has heard this or spent time with it in your room. Also, what amplification did you use? Thanks.
I use a pair as rear channels to a pair of Andra II's, but from time to time I have tried them as main speakers to see what they can do. They are usually driven by an NAD 370 and sound fine, but I have also hooked them up to my main amps, a pair of Classe CAM-350's, and they sound even better. Their sound is startlingly big, with a wide soundstage, very precise imaging, and more bass than you would ever expect. In a medium sized room, they do an extraordinary job for their size.
Thanks, would you say they are similiar in sound to the Andras, just missing the bottom end? Thanks
They have sonic similarities,at least you can a taste
Of Andra,the Andra are just differrent speakers,
But the Isabel I prefer them over the NO5,the MOdel
one totem.They are very good speakers.
Hi. The basic sound from highs through the midrange is similar, but below that of course there is nowhere near the impact of the Andra or Andra II in the bass, or richness, especially of the II's, in the lower midrange. But for their size they're surprisingly satisfying.