great little speakers

I'm looking for speakers with a cohorent, smooth, not over- analytical sound that played well in a small room.
So far, the best speaker I've heard is the dynaudio
audience 42.
I also consider the totem mite but haven't heard them yet.
Any other considerations?
I had spent a good 1 1/2 hours at Singer Sound listening to the Jmlabs Micro BEs and a (very little) little of the Altos. I gave Andy Singer a call to thank him, firstly, for his audio hospitality, and to rave about these new Harmonic Precision Caravelles. I told him I thought they'd hold up well with a tete a tete againsnt the Altos. He said he'd love to audition them and appeared very intererested. I found his openmindedness quite refreshing, considering the reputation Singersound has. I have, since, spoke to Starsound and hopefully they will (some day) mail him a pair to decide for himself. I think Starsound is on the verge of greatness with this new baby. Time will tell. It always does. peace, warren
Well, look at Stereophool's mag of this month. 2 way speakers and a few reviews to boot. I must say that, for once (ah maybe twice, I did buy the YBA Passion Integre, though, before his review ) I have to agree with Sam with his Jmlab Micro BE review. I don't usually hear much of the stuff he reviews, but in this case I did. He was dead on with the Micro's stengths and limitations. That being said, and the Micro is one hellava speaker, the Caravelles have none of the Micro's limitations. NONE! The Micro's strengths? Even steven with the Caravelles, though the Caravelles are the most phase coherent 2 way speaker, hands down, I've ever heard. Hey what can I say? I'm in love....warren
WArren Would these speakers work well in a HT mode. Could I power them with a Denon AV. I have a wall unit I would like to put them in . Room is 10 by 15. I would be about 8FT away from them. Have a plasma in the middle of unit. ThanksHTsteve
Absolutely Steve!! These babies will do HT two channel. . I don't know what your Denon has in the way of watts, but I drive the Caravelles with 100 per, and can get to (well close to) ear bleed level with sound to match. I'm convinced that there is no monitor, of any size, out there, that can do as beautifully, top to bottom, what the Caravelle can. Check em out. You'll thank me later. peace, warren