Help with sonos connect

Hearing a good amount jitter coming through sonos connect, which is running though a 1st generation dac-it, by peachtree audio. Visited my local shop today, they stated the new dac-it x would improve sound due to asynchronous chip or set up or modification of sorts?

Curious what other dacs could improve sonos? Does the Wyred4sound mod eliminate the need for an external dac, or does it just clean up the signal that is being sent to dac?

And if there is a better dac out there to receive the clearer signal for sonos listening, I'm all ears.

Don't know a lot about this stuff, but trying to learn. New world for me.
Ok and thanks for feedback. I have a pretty cheap set up. Dac-it, rotel ra-1520 integrated, CM1's, and sonos connect. 1st hifi set up. Saved up off it and bought it with cash.

Having a hard time justifying spending almost cost of amp for a clock or sonos upgrade. Not trying to diminish the value of products listed or compare it to lower cost solution, I just don't want to buy a tie that is more expensive than the suit. Unless it's worth it....or if the tie is more important, might be helpful to I can readjust my expectations.

Anyone else had experience on any other reclockers? Lower cost scenarios with sonos? Seems that my dac isn't the issue.

Monarchy DIP classic? Thoughts on this product? Seems price of admission is in line with the above set up?
The problem is that the digital source quality is more important than DAC or preamp or amps. You can use a Sonos and drive a $150K system and it will still sound mediocre, like stereo, not music.

The source is exactly where you should put your money in a digital system. At least then you have a good signal to work with and lesser components will still sound decent. At least then you have a chance of achieving a system that is non-fatiguing and fun to listen to.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Bought the DIP upsampler as a less expensive option. Immediately noticed a deeper sound stage and more responsive bass, which I guess is attributed to the cleaner signal the two clocks have cleaned up. Never really understood term "depth" till now.

I have a pure digital system and must say I am impressed this little modification made such a difference. Or perhaps the dac is finally working with a decent signal to do its thing.

Now I am interested in hearing from folks who went from the DIP upsampler to the syncromesh. And what were your experiences?

My point is if this 200 investment made this kind of impact, what can I expect from the wyred or emperical option? And will it be significant or nominal?
Kernalsanders79, I had A Monarchy DIP and I can tell you that the Synchromesh is in another league. It's that good. I couldn't afford the Hynes power supply, but I am using a Teddy Pardo PS with great results. Even with its own PS, the Synchrosmesh is amazing. And there's no risk in trying it out.
I no longer listen to the stereo--I listen to the music.
Im another satisfied Synchro Mesh user, this is a no brainer. the Sonos was lifeless until I added this device