Totem Beaks

A few questions regarding Totem beaks.What's the diameter of the beak.I need to know if they will fit on the top wood surface of my Vandersteen 3A's without hitting the grill cloth.Also any Vandy owners using them? How many,in what placement configuration,and sonic results.
Thanks in advance,
I think that Beaks won't suit Vandys since they have a soft top.
They tend to tweak a solid cabinette vibrations. Vandy's are only clothed but not enclosed.
I use mine on Totem Speakers and they somewhat serve as room adjustement since you can clearly adjust a radiation of the high freequencies moving them at arround above the tweeter.
To use it just at arround the edge won't make a sence.
I owned beaks for my Totem Arros for 6 months and sold them. Tried different configurations, blind tests with/without beaks (and right only half time).

Conclusions: Looks cool, but not worth MSRP, buy it used on audiogon or ebay for a try
Try the Sonic Surfboards, they improve the mids and highs and staging on a wide variety of speakers. From my Dunlavys to Thiels to Paradigm, all sound better with the addition. ..Tom
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