need more smoothness

I own B&W CDM 1NT's and have a love-hate "relationship"
with them. Excellent finich, great mid and detail but
violins sounds to sharp. Maybe I buy other speakers or hope they do well with smooth electronics such as the LINN
Classik system.
Are the B&W's with a linn classik a good match ?
Maybe I'm a little bit hi fi - neurotical.
Also, your IC's and Spkr. wires? You may want to consider ones that fall into the "warm" side of the spectrum.
Try some inexpensive tweaks first, like putting felt around the tweeter. You may not even need a full ring (a little goes a long way).

What are you driving them with now (tubes or solid state)? Do you play CD's or vinyl or both (vinyl is generally smoother)? Any silver wire in the system (try copper for more body)?
