Joseph Audio RM 25si vs Sonus Faber Grand Piano

I have a room that is 20'9" x 12'4". The speakers will sit 6" on each side of a wide screen tv, and 24" from the back wall. The speakers will be 72" apart from each other. I have not been able to demo the two side by side, since they are at different stores. For components I am looking at Rotel vs. B&K. The speakers will be used for audio and HT. Has anyone auditioned them together, or have any opinions. Thanks for the help.
I prefer the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes over that particular Joeseph Audio speaker. But -- you should listen to both of them before you make your decision.
I own the Joseph's (Mk2 version) and am extremely happy with them. In my auditioning they beat out comparably priced Thiels (2.4), Audio Physic (Tempo), Revel (F30) and Totems (Forest) but I have not heard the SF's. Thus, I can't offer any comparison.

One thing to consider, however, is that the Joseph's aren't magnetically shielded (I don't think.) Not sure about the SF's.

Good luck.

I Own the Joseph Audio RM7 Monitors and Have Listened to the Grand Pianos at Tweeters (Probably SetUp Way Wrong)
These are 2 Completely Different Sounding Speakers... I Would Venture to Say at Opposites of the Listening Spectrum.
The Joseph Audios are So Detailed (Not Very Warm) But the Timbre is so realistic. Guess Thats why I've Heard Reviewers Say This Is a Reference Speaker, One If You Really Want to Know What the Music Is Supposed to Sound Like. Great for Tubes & Warmer Equipment Matches
The Grand Pianos when I heard them were Mellow and Fairly Lifeless Very Little resolution (Great for Bright detailed Equipment I Presume) I heard them with B&Kamp &Dennon-CD, Cables?BetterQuality?
By the Way The "Home"Pianos are the Fabers lowest end line ... even though you hear all the raves about Sonus Fabers these are speakers costing Many Times More Mula.