Merlin VSM Mil. Bass

I decided to relive my yute a little and bought the Best of ZZ Top. My Merlins are pumping out punchy, visceral, thump on your chest bass. I am very familiar with their more refined, public personae. I am very happy that I discovered this rip it up, dance 'til dawn alter ego with whom I can enjoy my mini mid-life crisis.

Actually, not just the bass, every aspect of my sound has improved since I paired my Audio Logic DAC with an Accustic Arts transport. The AA took over for my Sony 5 disk changer. This DAC/transport combo with my new BPT 3.5 is making it very difficult to not hear anew just one more disk.
I just installed an Acme cryoed outlet. I sanded the copper wire and sprayed it with DeOxit. My gear is running again. However, the soundstage shrunk. and micro and macro dynamics seem soft. Is this common? Thanks.
Things that are cryoed tend to sound a little more forward/centered, more three dimensional and weighted. Resolution up, detail down. Give it a chance to see what your perceptions will be after further breakin and listening time. My initial reaction was much like yours but after 3 days of!

I use Acme cryo outlets on 2 20 amp dedicated circuits in my listening room. Break in was lenghty. (30 days I recall) Once brken in, hard to beleive that an outlet could make that kind of difference.

Hang in there. They'll go up and down with break in but once they settle, be prepared for outstanding sound.
I am new to this site. I am amazed that an outlet can make that much difference. Will an Acme cryoed outlet help
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