Linn Keltik Tweeters

I've been reading positive reports on this forum from Kaber owners who've swapped their ceramic tweeters for the new soft dome type. Anyone out there done the same with their Keltiks? If so, I'd love to know the results!
Many Thanks Hector - you've just saved me a few quid! We hi-fi junkies are always trying to get closer to the original sound, and when set up correctly, the Keltiks really deliver. I too have an Ikemi/4 Klout setup. Grainy? I used to have a Kairn until my dealer said that I should listen to Linns new AV5103 system controller (very affordable on Ebay nowadays!)- I did - it was a substantial improvement over the Kairn (A home Theatre pre-amp outperforming a dedicated hi-fi preamp - has the world gone mad?!). Bottom line? - the Keltiks are a VERY revealing speaker - the cleaner the input, the better the sound. N.B. I believe the "Klimax Kontrol" preamp is stunning!! - not seen any of these on Ebay just yet!!!
Martyn; I also a pair of keltiks,also 4 klouts,Ikemi,5103,I can only speak for my own personal experince,I up graded the tweeters and the mid-range,and I was very satisfied.In my room aucoutics,the tweeters seemed to be more open,more detailed,highs were just cleaner,and the mid-range,was a vast improvement.This is only my own experince,Hector seems to hear something different,but in my case it seems to have made a improvement. good luck in what ever you choose.
Thanks for your input Douglas. I also had the latest Keltik midrange units fitted, but that was a little over a year ago now. I wouldn't call the improvement "night & day" but nonetheless they did sound better. Have any more recent Keltik midrange units become available since then I wonder? Going back some years, I used to have a pair of active Isobariks, and I can still remember how incredible the improvement to the overall sound was when I replaced the treble LK280 with a Klout. The tweeters importance cannot be over estimated, and it is for this reason that I'm eager to hear from anyone who has experimented with the new soft dome in their Keltiks!
Martyn; Have you made any moves on replacing your tweeters yet,I was just going back on the linn forum and remembered that this question was posted before and it gives you a few more view points.Let me know, also I am curious to what interconects you are using and speaker cables. thanks Douglas.
Douglas; Sorry for the late response, but I've been away from the forum for a while. I've been looking back over the forum and can't find any threads concerning Keltiks at all - maybe you could give me some clues as to where to look? As for the interconnects I'm using - it's an all Linn system - so I'm sticking to Linn interconnects - standard analogue, and K400 for the speaker cable. I did try experimenting with other (dearer) interconnects a long time ago and wasn't impressed.