Caliper Signature vs Duetta Signature?

Hi guys,

Just a quick question regarding the difference between these two Apogee models.

I know that a lot of folks regard the Duetta Signatures as the next best thing to a pair of Divas, but I'm having a hard time determining the difference between the Duetta and Caliper.

Is the Duetta bigger?

What is a reasonable price for a pair of Calipers in excellent condition?

Thanks for your help!
Thanks Dave,

Well...Unfortunately, the Apogees are on the proverbial auction block. Unfortunately, they're not the most kid-friendly speakers in the world (as I mentioned before) and to keep the peace, I've decided to move along.

I just purchased a pair of ML CLSIIzs. I know they're not at all the same speaker, but the one thing that they share in common is the 3D soundstaging. The nice thing about the CLSs is that that they're pretty well protected and reasonably stable.

Don't get me wrong, my kids are extremely respectful and well-behaved, I just don't want to take any chances. It's not worth it.

That amp looks pretty slick. Maybe it'd be a nice match with the CLSs. I was thinking about picking up a BelCanto or Spectron. What's the price point on these?



I can understand your view, If I still had small children I would sell My Duetta Sigs also.

The new digital amp runs $2,000 for stereo and $3,000 for a pair of mono's. The ML CLS's are fantastic speakers!, enjoy.

I know you are selling your Calipers, but the photos look like you did not biwire them (unless those are shotgunned wires). Biwiring the Calipers really makes them open up. Also, the Caliper and Duetta Signatures have a plastic screen over the bass ribbons, which go a long way to protecting them from inquisitive fingers. The Duetta Signatures and the Divas can also be screwed into the floor, so they can't be easily knocked over by toddlers.
I also have utilized the Calipers and the Maggie 1.6QR's as main speakers and concur that although the Calipers are incomparable in bass power and dynamics, the Maggie is more neutral, more coherent throughout and superior in the higher registers. A Vandersteen 2WQ added to the Maggies almost makes up for the difference in the bass.
Thanks guys,

I am bi-wiring them with an "internal bi-wire" pair of cables. I was told that it does make a big difference. The binding posts were also upgraded to all copper too.

All I know is that they sound amazing. Not the best I've ever heard, but certainly a very unique sound and extremely easy to listen to.

Somebody is going to be very happy to take these home, provided that their amp is up to the task. Did I mention that my Classe gets hot? Baby, does it get hot!
Back in the day. I used a pair of caliper's. It still remains one of the best sounding speakers I've owned. Big but, controlled and dimensional sound. I had great success running them with a pair of levension 20.5 monos and Mit speaker, and interconnects (shotguns) Also the addition of a sub really helped. Back then a Velodyne UDL 15 did the trick nicely.Good luck. As I'm writing this I think back on just how nice that system sounded, And why did I find it necessary to change anyway? It worked!