MG 3.6 and MG-1.6 Replacements Coming?

Does anyone have info on Magnepan's replacement plans for
these two models? They are both now of the age that the 1.5 and 3.5 were when they were replaced.

My hope is that they will do what they did to the new 20.1...which is to make the midrage had dramatic impact on the 20.1 vs. 20.

For most of us...we could just use a down-sized 20.1 to replace the 3.6.

Thanks for any input/info you have to share.
I spoke to Steve Weiney at the factory a couple of months ago on the subject and at that time he said no plans were presently in the works for a revamp of either????
Hi Flynntom, Yes that is what they were saying only a few months before the 20.1 replaced the 20.,,,but who knows.

I have owned the 1.6, 3.6 and 20...but not the 20.1. As much as I like the 1.6 and 3.6...they are in need of the sound of the 20.1 proves over the 20.
Hi Whatjd, If I were to take a guess at the thinking on this I'd have to say that a 3.6 with the Push pull mid config. would probably perform well enough to cut into 20.1 sales in a big an possibly unacceptable way.