Last Speakers Aerial 20T or Vandersteen 5A

Which Last & Better Choice for only MUSIC not HT

I have Meitner DAC2 & Transport, Simone Yorke & Graham 2.2
Benz LP, CAT JL2 & SL1 Ultimate + VIOLA LABS SS Amps/Preamp.
size room 18 x 13 x 8.

Dude, listen to both of these loudspeakers in your own system, then YOU decide which is better!
Pursuing Drubin's remarks, I'd go a bit further and comment that your room size could be problematical with either speaker. I think, however, that the Vandy 5A might be the better choice since it offers the ability to contour the bass response using its built-in 11-band equalizer. Both of these speakers are fine performers, but if cost is an issue, the Vandy 5A is a much better value. Before you make a final choice at this price point, you need to evaluate both speakers in your listening room -- $15k to more than $20k is a big chunk of change to spend on a full-range speaker that may not perform well in your listening room.
Having heard of but never listened to any of the components or speakers you list, I figure I'm qualified to be wrong as much as anybody.

As to the room size, I don't believe that is an issue at all unless it is deemed a very 'live' room acoustically. But then that room would be a problem for any speaker. And that's assuming that the wall behind the speakers is one of the short walls and there's not many windows, etc..

In fact, having had a listening room with your dimensions, I would go so far as to say that your room dimensions are near ideal for this size speaker assuming it is truly rectangular and closed off.

If you have the right amp for the 20T's I would speculate that the 20T's could be a real contender with the 5A's. If not, then I think the V5a's are probably the better and safer route. But then again, you're talking about $7k difference in price too.

Sounds like too much speaker for your room. Both, that is. Listening will tell. How you do that, is another story....
According to the Stereophile review of the Aerial's and what i know of the Vandersteen's, the 5's would be a better choice in ANY given room. Not only are the Vandy's WAY less money, they provide at least two distinct advantages over the Ariel's. That is, the 5's allow you to tailor / fine tune bass response to achieve flatter, more natural response via active equalization. On top of that, the Vandy's minimize the strain on your amp by providing its' own subwoofer amp. Whether or not you like one presentation over the other is up to you and a matter of personal preference. As Timo stated, you would really have to listen and see for yourself.

As a side note and so as not to "contaminate" this thread, i was going to post something about the Aerial review and general "big dollar" speaker trends within the audiophile marketplace. I'll do that in another post. Sean