Tell me about your sweet spot.

If you were to take two flashlights and place one each on the center of each of your two main speakers, when the indivudual lights were pointing at your optimum listening position would the two lights
A/ Meet
B/ Criss Cross
C/ run parallel pointed exactly at your right and left ears
D/ run parallel outside of your ears.
Of course many other factors are involved in speaker placement, but Im curious how similar or disimilar your answers may be. All the best to everyone in Audiogon Land !
"C" isn't really possible when you think about it. Unless the speakers were no wider than half the width of my head and placed next to each other that is.

My speakers are aimed straight ahead so answer D. (Thiel CS6 spaced 8 feet apart and I listen at ten feet from the center point of an imaginary line drawn between the fronts of the baffles.
I will tell you this: As a Vandersteen 3A Sig owner, I fretted way too much over the sweet spot early-on when my speakers weren't broken in, moving them a few millimeters this way and that--sometimes 10+ times a session--to calm harshness and increase depth. I now know that the problems weren't caused by bad placement, they just weren't broken in.