Possible Speaker Damage cause by Vinyl?

My first post, here goes:

I was playing a record rather louder than normal listening level (11:00 on volume dial). After the song was over I went to cue UP the arm and I forgot to turn the volume down and obviously heard a loud "thump" sound. The woofers jumped a bit, not extrme, extreme excersion but they sure did move. Can this cause machanical damage to the speaker at all? I'm thinking the speaker can handle such a thing but just out of pure paranoia, I want to make sure with you guys.

Thanks for any help,
Most of the speakers can handle that but shurely to some degree you're overstressing the voice coil.
Try not to forget to turn the volume down or mute or switch to different source before lifting or setting a styli.
I'd agree with Marakenetz. I'll add, if they sound fine, then they are fine. I just wouldn't make a habit of it...
Voice Coils I thought can only be harmed by Thermal overload, ie, an amplifier clipping. Correct me if I'm wrong but to harm a voice coil would need heat for long periods of time.