GMA Europa owners....

Dont want to start another never ending Europa thread...but seriously...just curious what others are using for cable needs...I know Roy is a fan of Analysis Plus...any others that come to mind? My dealer is a fan of friend of Kimber...where to you go?
Scotty is correct. Roy wires his speakers with Audio Magic and recommends their cables.

Disclaimer - I am currently selling a pair of Audio Magic cables.

I've been using Signal Cable IC's and cables with the Europas, and have really enjoyed them. But in talking with Roy it seems that his clear favorite is Audio Magic, next best Analysis Plus. He likes the AM IC's a LOT. I asked his opinion on amplification and IC's for the Europas, given a spending limit of around $1k. His answer was pretty surprising to me, he recommended an older integrated (named a few favorites)at around $200-$250 and the best IC Audio Magic makes, at around $750!! So thats just how much he thinks of them. I would really like to try that out, but the WAF on a $750 IC is damn low.
How do you like the AM cables? Could you give us your opinion of them as compared to others you may have tried?
Phasecorrect and Jb3...

When I had Europa's, I used (again, per Roy's recommendations) both Analysis Plus and Audio Magic cables. For several months, I was using Audio Magic Excalibur II IC's with Analysis Plus Oval 12's. I then upgraded the speaker cables to Excalibur II's as well. The all-Audio Magic combination was excellent. Don't know if it's the speakers, the cables, or the combination, but there were none of the traditional drawbacks of silver cables, just extremely transparent, detailed, fully-extended sound.

I know Roy recommends the Sorcerers, but if budget is a concern, I found that the Excalibur II's were a great match for a lot less money. The speaker cables specifically were a noticeable upgrade from the AP Oval 12's. For reference, I was alternating between a Jolida 502a and an Audio Refinement Complete, with a Jolida CD-100 as the source.

Hope this helps,