"anyone know of source for cross-x mod for aerial 10-t.thanks,bill."
Bill, I just bought an Aerial CC3B. I'm an incorrigible tweak and e-mailed Aerial for info in the crossover.
If the 10-T's crossover is as complex as the CC3B's, it's complex indeed. All 4 filters are 3rd order and there's at least one tuning circuit in the midrange. Aerial told me they've been using the Axon polypropylenes forever in their crossovers, and they're not bad-sounding at all. My crossover has 6 Axons on it, 3 33s, a 12, a 4.7, and a 3uF. The 3 and 4.7 are series caps for the tweeter, and I've replaced them with auricaps. I bypassed the 2 33uF midrange-series caps (with good caps I already had) but probably I won't replace them. Mine is full of Bennic-brand resistors and as soon as I'm satisfied about identifying them, I'll be replacing some of them.
I THINK my CC3B sounds a little cleaner, but my aural memory is very short--I have trouble identifying some differences in immediate A/B comparisons.
Are your 10-Ts early or late? I understand the 10Ts were upgraded seriously during their lifetime.
Bill, I just bought an Aerial CC3B. I'm an incorrigible tweak and e-mailed Aerial for info in the crossover.
If the 10-T's crossover is as complex as the CC3B's, it's complex indeed. All 4 filters are 3rd order and there's at least one tuning circuit in the midrange. Aerial told me they've been using the Axon polypropylenes forever in their crossovers, and they're not bad-sounding at all. My crossover has 6 Axons on it, 3 33s, a 12, a 4.7, and a 3uF. The 3 and 4.7 are series caps for the tweeter, and I've replaced them with auricaps. I bypassed the 2 33uF midrange-series caps (with good caps I already had) but probably I won't replace them. Mine is full of Bennic-brand resistors and as soon as I'm satisfied about identifying them, I'll be replacing some of them.
I THINK my CC3B sounds a little cleaner, but my aural memory is very short--I have trouble identifying some differences in immediate A/B comparisons.
Are your 10-Ts early or late? I understand the 10Ts were upgraded seriously during their lifetime.