Eggleston Works Andra II versus B&W 800

Need some guidance. Have an opportunity to purchase either pair new at attractive price. Will be used in dedicated audio listening (not part of HT) using Krell FBR amplification, CJ front end. Very large room - 30'x 15' with one long wall mostly glass. Need to place speakers on short wall due to WAF issues. In area where I can't audition either, no local dealers.

Thanks for any input.
Mgottlieb, may I ask how you positioned your Andra IIs in your living room--short wall, long wall, across a corner or... ?
Mgottleib; Have you any experience with comparing the AIIs and the AII's conversion? If they are very close in performance, it seems like to me that buying a used pair and having it converted would be a good deal. I think this could be done for less than $10,000.
Lokie it can be done for less than 10k.If uou
can find used below 7k.I have not seen one.
Hi. My Andra II's are positioned along the long wall, slightly toed in. I haven't compared the AII's as rebuilt to new ones. My understanding is they are exactly the same--same drivers, same enclosure, but with the old bass cabinet modified to the new specs. For the complete answer to that, you'll have to ask Eggleston.
Tonet you can talk decency, if you paid me the Harman
Kardon you and Toni blew up,You made all the excuses,
not to pay me.You are not one who is entitled to talk
about decency, you dont have one.The statement above
proves it.How about the $100 you owe John Van L?
Is this decency?What you did to Ricardo? Is that decent?
You made a comment on my mercedes that, you will not
buy if you only for it, and pay monthly, Its cash.
You can come to my house I will show you the receipt.
Stop being so cocky, you dont know what I have.Too bad
I have to disclose this.But it has to come out,to shut
you up.And never again talk about decency.You
promise me to help me move the Andra during that time.
Did you? Liar.You want more, call me.I would like to
settle this face to face.You coward.