Revel Studio Discussion- Everything Studio Here

Hello all
Thought this would be a great forum for all of us Revel Studio Owners to discuss issues relevant to these excellent speakers. Amlification, wiring, questions, concerns- its all fair game!

I own Salons, so please forgive the slight digression.

Brightness. I do not agree that they are inherently bright. In fact, they are rolled off somewhat above 12,000 Hz. (mine measure that way, my friend's measure that way, and John Atkinson's measurements revealed a roll off as well). The Revels are very accurate and transparent, and like with the better silver cables, they will merely let you know if your upstream components are doing something wrong, e.g., grain in solid-state gear.

Solid-state vs. tube. I am biased, as it is my experience that no solid-state amp can layer sound or portray timbre like a good tube amp. I use VAC 140/140's with zero feedback with my Salons in a big room, with great results (I do have dedicated 20 amp lines for each amp). I have heard the Salons with SF Power 3's, and there is great synergy (excellent choice). I have a close friend using CAT limited edition monoblocks with his Salons (awesome). The Studios and Salons like current, and you therefore need a tube amp with really high quality power supplies and high quality output transformers that can nail the voltage-to-current conversion (this is way more important than continuous wattage ratings, although wattage certainly helps).

Speaker Cables - My dealer, and a second dealer whom I trust and who does not deal Kimber, both said that Kimber Select is THE speaker cable to use with Salons. Two weeks ago, I spoke with another dealer (whom I do not know) who said that Voecks used Kimber Select when designing the Salon -- I do not know if this is true. I use Kimber Select 3038, the all-silver version, with great success.

The Salons (and presumably the Studios) are what they eat, i.e., very accurate and transparent, and just pass along the signal. I can and do listen all day -- no fatigue and only pleasure.

Nice thread. Thanks.
interesting about the cabling
I wonder if 8tc would have some of the same sonic characteristics if one had needs for a long relatively affordable run?
Any thoughts on how rogue audio tube mono-blocks may mate with the studios/salons?
Dear Dp37:

As for 8tc, it's supposedly great for the money, but I understand that Kimber's Monacle XL, used, can be had for a very reasonable price. It uses the same basic design as Kimber's Select cables. I have a friend who uses it between a Bryston 4BST and Revel F30's, and I think it sounds superb. You would need to get the Kimber Select all-copper jumpers to run to the low frequency posts on your Studios (the stock jumpers supplied with the Salons/Studios are junk).

Good luck.
Thanks for the reply and email Raquel
I am going to look for that series of kimber
i am currently running bi-wired so the jumpers will be a must!
Any ideas on room placement for these monsters?
I have a very strange dedicated listening room/ht
i will attempt to draw it out and see if anyone has any thoughts.
i just spent 3 hours scouring the net for advice and trying to implement it to no avail (ie no huge difference in sound)
the thing that i have been surprised by is the lack of deep bass slam i was expecting
i have a rel storm iii sub so it is not that big a deal but in dedicated 2 channel listening, i can thelp thinking that i shouldn't need it
plus my wife says the rel bass sounds bloated in comparison

Front Rear

*equipment racks*
* ************
s *
c # ************
r *
e *
e # *
n *
* *
* *
******french doors*********************

approximate dimensions are
screen wall (widest) 17 feet
maximum length 22 feet
length to first 2 foot cut in on right wall - 10 feet (equipment rack are)
length to next cut in = 8 feet
ceiling height 9 feet
now i have 2 sets or risers with 4 cinema loungers each
first riser is 4 inches high and 15 feet back from
screen wall (middle 2 seats here are "mine"
second riser is 12 inches high and 20 feet back from
the front screen wall

the studios right now are 54 inches from screen wall
the left studio is moved into the room from the side wall by about 5o inches
the right studio is about 65 inches in from the wall behind the equipment rack
the speakers are about 11 feet from the primary listening position
and are about 8.5 feet apart from each other
i think thats about it
please feel free to post with further details
i have got to get these things placed optimally!
thanks in advance everyone!
Dear Dp37:

Here is a link to a thread I posted about placing my Salons. Hope it helps: