Revel Studio Discussion- Everything Studio Here

Hello all
Thought this would be a great forum for all of us Revel Studio Owners to discuss issues relevant to these excellent speakers. Amlification, wiring, questions, concerns- its all fair game!
Ksales, I'm having my dealer come out to replace the two 6 1/2 drivers on my Salon. Rather than chip the red paint (the drivers are a bitch to remove) or ship them, I opted to pay 500. bucks(!) for a service call. The dealer's drive would be about 5 hours roundtrip and we all know the chances we take with shipping, so this really doesn't seem to be too much of a cost.
Definitely talk to Revel though, as they may walk you through a fix. That is, of course, your Studio is out of warranty.

After removing the side panels and grills to see if I could replace the speakers myself, I will now have the chance to hear them grilless. Every speaker I've owned sounded much better (open) sans grills.
Good Luck, Richard
Ive now confirmed my order for a new pair of gloss & aluminium studios and black b15 sub. I plan on using a voice but funds need to recover, besides I can use a phantom centre with my ead8800pro for the time being.
My question is relating to advice for surrounds. Im only using them for movies as my music listening is two channel only.
Im thinking of saving some cash and going for a pair of m20s, would the f30 be a better choice or am i being foolish and should i just save and get the gems or the embraces?
any opinions welcome on rear speaker or centre choice. thank you in advance
Thanks for the input Rzemkoski. I did contact Revel and I believe I have resolved the problem. Sending them back is about as desirable as ripping my nails off.
I read so many interesting posts, concerning the Studio's. I have owned mine for about a year and I must admit they get better with age. My Studio's were my dealer's tweeked pair(he didn't plan to sell them). He had removed all the drivers and treated the rear part of the cones with the tuning "dots" for resonance purposes. The dots were also added to the inside part of the binding posts. Tom at Advance Audio in Cary, NC is a guy that knows set-up and tweeks. He did other tweeks that I really don't know how to explain, except that my speaker sounds great.

The amplification used is the Jeff Rowland Model 12 Mono Blocks with a Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi Preamp. It's a very smooth and polite sound with no edgy or zippy highs. It's a very revealing sound with great dynamics. I am very happy and I plan to do another system using the Salon's when I move to my new home. I will stay with the Jeff Rowland products with my #2 system while trying to create life-like sound. Oh yeah, I will need the Tom Hoffman mod when I get my Salon's. Get ready Tom!


I would recommend the Revel Embrace for rears especially for movie. I have a 7.1 system setup that is very similar to your setup. The main speakers are grey Studios, center is Voice, side is Embrace and rear is M20 and sub is B15. I also used a pair of F30 for the rear ar one point but it was an overkill. My processor is also an EAD but it's a modified 8000 Signature.