Aerial 10-T ---Single Wire, Bi-Wire, & Bi-Amp

Looking for any feedback from Aerial 10-T owners who have bi-amped the speakers. Currently running Audience AU24 single wire. Contemplating finding another set of the AU24's and giving bi-amping a shot, (with Theta Dread 1), but before I invest in another set of speaker cables would like to hear from anyone who has already gone this route.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
Hey Mattkimb96,

I'm currently bi-wiring my 10t's and I have found that it does help a bit. I'm using a Classe CA 301. This is working very well but I know the bass can be controlled much better with more current. More amp is definitely better with these speakers, IMO.

I have a second 301 due to arrive in a few days so I will be moving to a bi-amp, monoblock configuration soon (1700 watts per channel). Then I will keep the speaker cables as short as possible. This is another improvement I have heard before in a previous system.
I did bi-wire my 10T's with my previous cables and had a preference for that.

That is until I purchased my Au24 speaker cables 18 months ago. Since that time, I've had no desire to bi-wire.

I do use the Au24 6 inch jumpers.

Care to share why you are inquiring?

Woohoo! I just got a call from home to tell me that my new amp showed up today. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend.