Regarding people selling equipment to U.S.A. only

I am in Australia and find many things I would like to buy but mostly people will only ship to US or Canada.Is it very complicated to ship overseas? If I were to pay for some speakers and their shipping by bank transfer could the seller simply take the boxes to his local Fedex or the like or is it more complex than that.I am aware that there are some Paypal scams happening from the far east but if I were to deposit funds directly into the sellers bank account would this not make the transaction foolproof and risk free for them
I've sold several things overseas, I'm always upfront with the buyers regarding shipping costs, which can be quite high. I sold an older Mcintosh pre to a guy in Japan who wanted it Express mail, and didn't bat an eye at the $275 US shipping.

Canada seems harder to ship to due to all the additional forms, and EVERYTHING seems to get tied up in customs, but otherwise it's not that bad. I personally will ship anywhere if they will cover the shipping.
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Although I always leave the USA only box checked since I believe that is the default, I have sold several items and shipped overseas. The cost is normally a deterent for the buyer. There is a bit more paper work for the seller to fill out also.
I have sold and shipped items to customers worldwide with a minimum of shipping problems. Small items are usually sent USPS Priority or Express Mail and larger items are sent via UPS or Airborne Insured. You can have just as many problems shipping locally as well as internationally so why limit your customer base.

I'm pretty much with averageguy as far as what I i've sold overseas. I also mark USA/Canada boxes, but someone from France inquired anyway, the logistics were worked out and a few different sales were made. Overseas sales are not as cut and dried as domestic.