millenium or revelation tweeter?

I've got some Taylo Ref. Monitors with the scanspeak revelation tweeter which sound great and I'm pondering getting another pair of taylos and considering the seas millenium tweeter.

Has anyone heard both and have any comments?

Hey Gold,

I also was considering asking Tyler to make a custom monitor with the Scanspeak ring rev. How does it compare to the revelator (which I have now). Also how much did the custom speakers go for at TA.
After starting this thread many months ago, I had Tyler build a custom 3 way Linwood pair of speakers for me with the Millenium tweeter. I got these speakers in mid-summer and finally have the rest of the system workign with them. I also have a pair of Tyler's Ref. monitors in my den with the Revelation tweeter's.

My conclusion is that they are both great tweeters. I agree with Ty that the Millenium is slighty airer and more life like, the Revelation maybe a bit richer. I like them both and would be happy with either in either pair of speakers I own.
The ring rev. is fast, dynamic, detailed, and airy. If you like the Revelator you will like this tweeter. I would say 15-20% improvement. It might not be worth the cost to some $450 ea as compared to $209. Again, all of the tweeters used by TA sound great. I think I purchased close to 10 different speakers over the last few years from TA so I would say I like what I am hearing.