Monitor recommendations with sensitivity =90

I am putting together a small bedroom system using an 18 watt tubed amp. Looking for recommendations for small monitor type speakers with good sensitivity:>=90. Triangle speakers(Titus, Comte) is one I came across. However, a lot of good small monitors have relatively low sensivity;86-87. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xnicksac
There is a manufacturer here in Phoenix. They are called Celestial AV. They are highly meticulous and their speakers sound really good. They make a monitor that I auditioned in one of their rooms with a little Cary SLI-80 and this thing was sweet. Thinking that the price was around $1,000. Claiming no crossovers and that was what made them so good. All I know is that they will be in my next bedroom system. Not sure of their website but do a search.

Good listening,

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ
I'll second Wellfed on the Omegas and Elevick on the Coincidents.

A friend of mine had an extremely low powered integrated that we shopped for speakers last summer. We ended up with the Coincident Triumph, and I felt it was far the best at being driven by a low power amplifier. The other speaker which performed well with this amplifier was the Von Schweikert VR1, which offered better treble than the Coincident. However, in my opinion, the Triump's bass(especially) and midrange were superior.